Only Rock & Roll (But I like it)

When i think about concerts that I went  there’s only one that pops into my head. That particular one is the Rolling Stones concert that took place on the national stadium on February 3rd 2016.

Generally I don’t go to concerts, and there’s three main reasons why this happens. First of all is the money issue, even if I wanted to go to a concert that I liked, I don’t really have the money to spend in that kind of events, because they are really expensive to afford. The second reason for this is that the kind of artist that I really enjoy and I would like to see live are dead or in their way to the grave. Im talking about classic rock artist like The rolling Stones (of course), Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, The Who etc… So even if they are alive they are really old to go on a tour that long so they arrive to Chile, and when they actually do, they sell really expensive tickets. 

Resultado de imagen para music businessThe reason number three is that for me in Chile there is an execisive amount of concerts, especially in the recent time. I see that artist come and come all the time, year after year because the events producers saw a really profitable business in concerts and music festivals. And this is posible (of course) because in this country the people just keep going and spending money due to the consumming culture that is being installed in the past 20 years. But anyway, that is just a long way to say concerts are a little overrated I guess, but is something that you have to consider when you are consuming something.

Having all that considered, there was absolutely no way that I miss that concert. I remember talking to a friend the second the tickets came along and we said that we had to go, theres was no other possibility. Of course I didn’t had any money at the time, so in a desperate move I asked to my parents for some money and we agreed that it could be a birthday gift and I obviously said yes. Luckly I get the tickets and I went with my father, that in a way introduced me to this kind of music.

The concert was amazing, and that was something I knew before going. I mean, this guys have over 50 years of experience throwing gigs over the world and in the biggest stadiums in the world, Chile was a piece of Cake. Beyond the detalis of the show I have to say I really felt I was watching an important part of popular music history in that stage, and a very important part of my music history. This songs are in a way the soundtrack of my life so far, and watching the responsables of this less than a mile away was a dream come true.


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