Youtube saved my life

I don’t like social networks. Im saying this but constantly use them, and its kind of sad to not being able to leave them because they are so addictive. Even though, I only have Whatsapp and Facebook to communicate with my friends and I don’t use Instagram, Snapchat or that kind of social networks.

There is a social network (if you can call it that way) that deserves a second chance, and that’s Youtube. If you enter to the main page of Youtube you can find a lot of videos that are not necessary of everybody interest, but they try really hard to make the attempt with videos like gameplays, songs in the top of the charts and the latest sports events. This changes a lot if you begin to use it with an account, because in the main page begin to appear things that you watch and enjoy, and gets better if you subscribe to channels because you get notifications to every new video of channels that you like.

Instead of watching the same kind of stuff in the internet like fail compilations or Minecraft gameplays, you can find things that are really interesting and that are not really popular because of this filter that the YouTube page puts in front of you thinking that you are the average visitor.

One particular phenomenon  that I would like to mention is something relatively new called “video essay” that are something like a video but with the structure of an essay.  This means that the video has a thesis that has to be developed with several arguments that in this case are audiovisual resources. This is really helpful if you want a recommendation on a film or a series, and there are a lot of channels devoted to this. Just to name a few there is Vox, Nerdwriter1, Bigthink, Wisecrack, kaptainkristian and a lot of others.

So I guess I leave the invitation open to discover this Youtube world that, to be honest, saved my online life this past months.

Resultado de imagen para kaptainkristianResultado de imagen para nerdwriter


  1. I also love youtube, you can find whatever you want, from funny things to conferences of important themes around the world !, my favourites are the TEDs conferences.


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