Invisible Details

David Fincher, invisible details.

I was thinking the other day about who is my favorite movie director. And that’s a tricky one, because im not really a guy that watches a lot of movies, but I realize that I liked certain kind of movies that directly or indirectly are linked to David Fincher.

He has a lot of famous movies, like “Fight Club” or “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”. He is also producer and director of the first episode of the critically acclaimed “house of cards” Netflix series.  I find really interesting the way that he tells stories throught film, because is nothing very showy or impressive, in fact in most of his movies is like nothing really happens the most of the times and the movies doesn’t have a satisfying resolution of the plot.

This type of story telling in film and series is becoming quite popular if you take for example movies like “Boyhood” o series like “The Sopranos”.  But this way of filmmaking it’s not that much popular, at least not in the Hollywood mainstream industry. I think that’s why think that Fincher is an special director, because is this way to tell stories that makes you watch them in a very different way, like really looking in the details in order to find clues of what the director is trying to tell you throught the story.
A good example of this is Fight Club, and one of the most popular plot twist of cinema history. When you realize that Tyler Durden and the narrator are actually the same person at the last part of the film, its almost like you have to re-watch the entire movie over again to really understand whats really going on in the movie, and you find a lot of hidden details that blows your mind. And even the end is very popular to, when the movie ends it’s not a really conclusive scene either, keeps you hanging.

Resultado de imagen para fight clubResultado de imagen para fight club

Another example, but less obvious, is in Zodiac. When the movie ends you can really tell who the killer is, and is really frustrating because you think you know because almost all the clues are redirected to one character. But you can’t really tell, because looking closely there’s not really a candidate that fits everything, and you have to live with the obsession of wanting to know who really the killer was.

Resultado de imagen para zodiac movie

I could keep giving examples but I think that the central idea is that I think that David Fincher is a special filmmaker, and we should keep an eye on him because he will maybe revolutionize the mainstream cinema in the years to come.


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