Half Time

It’s curious, but i don’t really know what i want to be yet. I mean I am studying psychology and I’m going to graduate of course, but I still have a long path to continue and I don’t know where I’m going to end.  The first 5 semesters of the career where kind of boring, there where subjects I didn’t really care about and it was kind of depressing, but in some way I still want to carry on because I had faith that it would get better, and it kind of happened.

Past the first half of the career, in this semester we had the opportunity of choosing between a various numbers of elective subjects, with the condition that in the three semesters that we have left, we have to take at least one of each labor field. This gave me more freedom to choose what things I could like more and it’s been more fun since then, and finally I can see a future ahead of this career. Especially in the psychoanalysis subjects I remembered why I choose this career above others when I was in school.

This has to do a lot of how boring is too think in the box of the academic field. It was almost ridiculous how the assignments had the same structure every single time, how we had to put the references in APA, how to put the French sangria, and how to always use quotes of somebody else instead of thinking for ourselves. It was a never ending circule, and always with this scientific way to reason.  Always in the box.

Somehow in these past months I learned a lot of interesting things that have to do more with art and philosophy than number and experiments. And I like that stuff, but the thing is that I always thought that the human mind is something that has to be understood from a mysterious place, not in the place of how we study insects or cook lasagna.  I don’t really know where I’m going to end when I get out of this department called FACSO, but now I’m starting to make a picture.


  1. I liked your post, maybe because I felt a little bit identify with it. But suddenly happens to me, that I realized that life is too mysterious, so maybe we're studding this today, but tomorrow, no one knows! I think that making the idea this is all what are we going to do in this life implicates to close many other opportunities, and we're so complex... Better let our mind flow. What has to come, will come. FACSO it's a little box inside a bigger box, there's much more outside. xoxo

  2. I think that you're just on the right path. There's some things we all have to learn just to have a sense of history in this career, but the motivation to create our own knowledge is fundamental. Hang in there, I hope you end up liking it even more :)


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